Anita Locher
Founder and owner, Pilates and Yoga Trainer
Tel: +41 79 4697557 E-Mail
My main job was in marketing & sales for over 12 years, while my great passion from childhood was athletics and rhythmic gymnastics.
Movement & music awakened in me a deep curiosity for movement and bodywork. So in 1995 I completed my training as a group fitness instructor and taught for 10 years in various fitness centers (aerobics, body toning, step).
With the additional trainings as Pilates Trainer, Yoga Teacher & the advanced trainings in Slings Myofascial Training / Reformer Pilates & Pregnancy / Regression I have found fascinating training methods, which offer me the possibility to face new challenges every day, in order to grow steadily.
"Movement is my life. I love the contact with people and the associated task of giving them a deepened body awareness in movement."
It is important to me that I design my lessons to be substantial and thoughtful, so that in addition to enjoying movement, participants notice immediate benefits and experience the lessons as valuable and satisfying.
Together with my new fields of activity in the area of therapy & medical a wonderful combination to promote and maintain well-being, quality of life, fitness and health.
All group classes I teach are Qualitop certified. Check with your health insurance company for reimbursement.
AUSBILDUNG: eidg. dipl. Kauffrau & Marketingplanerin.
Ausbildungen mit Prüfungs- und Diplom Absolvierung:
1995 dipl. Aerobic & Step Instructor by SAFS Zürich
1998 dipl. Bodytoning & Step Intro Instructor by SAFS Zürich
2001 dipl. Aqua Fit Leiterin by Ryffel Running
2002 Diplom Pilates Mat Class Instructor by Swisspilates Zürich
2004 Power Yoga by Power Yoga Switzerland, Basel
2005 Nordic Walking Instructor by Ryffel Running
2006 Nordic Walking Instructor by SNO
2007 Kursleiterin nach BeBo® Konzept, BeBo® Training
2007 Pilates Mat Trainerin by Body Mind Spirit, Zürich
2008 Chi Yoga Basic by Body Mind Spirit, Zürich
2009 Chi Yoga Stufe 1 & 2 by Body Mind Spirit, Zürich 200h
2010 Yoga mit Kindern, Ursula Salbert, Bern
2011 Kursleiterin Yoga für Schwangere bei U. Salbert, Bern
2011 Zertifizierte Pilates MVe Chair Trainerin, Swisspilates, ZH
2013 dipl. Pilates Reformer Trainerin (Allegro) art of motion,
2013/14 Kursleiterin Yoga Meditation, Anna Röcker, Bern
2016/17 Quereinstieg Pilates Essentials, art of motion
2018 Yin Yoga Lehrerin Mona Abter 50h
2020 Medical Yoga, Christiane Wolff OM Flowing
2021 dipl. Slings Myofascial Training Practitioner® Advanced, art of motion®
2000 Fitness Rückentrainer Ueli Schweizer, SAFS Zürich
2007 Bewegete Schwangerschaft, art of motion Bern
2007 Pilates Rings & Roller by SAFS
2007 Power Chi - Trilo Chi by Body Mind Spirit
2009 Luna Yoga nach A. Ohlig
2009/10 Hormon Yoga nach D. Rodrigues, BeBo® Training
2010 Lehrgang Korrekturen Yoga Haltungen, C.E. Reinig
2010 Beckenboden vor & nach der Geburt, BeBo®
2011 Yoga Therapeutics, K. Schmid Zürich
2012 Pilates Flow, art of motion AG, Bern
2013 Pilates & Kleingeräte up dates, art of motion AG, Bern
2013 Slings Essentials myofasziale Trainingstechniken, aom
2013 Coaching in Pilates und taktiles instruieren bei aom
2014 Pilates Reformer Flow bei art of motion AG, Bern
2015 Slings I Myofascial bei art of motion AG Bern
2018 Slings Bodyreading & Bewegungsstrategien
2019 Slings & Myofascial unterrichten, bei art of motion